- Username:
- alessio1967
- Gender:
- Man
- Location:
- Florence, Italy
- Firstline:
- Right now, eu sunt aici pentru tine. As vrea vorbesc cu tine, Mi-ar merge cu tine, mână în mână, vorbesc cu tine, auzi vocea ta, respira parfumul tau, uita-te fără limite de timp, chiar și în tăcere, pentru că tăcerea este uneori mai important decât o mie de cuvinte. Stiu, eu nu vurbesc foarte bine limba romana dar Am încercat să învețe limba română de ce este o limbă frumoasă, dulce și senzual.
- Looking for:
I visit several time ur country and bucarest in particular that surprise me in a wonderful way.
I feel my self as at home when I walk on bucuresti or when I spend my nite trought the pub and the club in lipscani. I love cold and snow, and amaze me ur houses, ur story ur culture.
And, let be me honest till the end, Romanian women are Females from the top of their hair to the end of the nails. Passion, strengness, love, support, fighter, sensual, completely out of any hinibitions… and these is like a holy promise land for me.
My work offer me, if I want lots of time to be there, and time to time I could be also work from there, if I had a fast internet line and a good computer ( my one ).
What I do? I work like money management for a very important bank of Europe and plus I just beginning to establish a sicav investiment found under my supervision as AD.
If I love pets? J’adore pisica si caine…