- Username:
- Deepshadow
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 48
- Location:
- Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
- Living situation:
- With parents
- Firstline:
- Another time
- About yourself:
- Anoter time
- Looking for:
Casual sex with females, .....couples......swing meetings.....
Cluj Singles - Online Dating in Romania - Datare Singur în Română
- Username:
- Steves9
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 34
- Location:
- Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
- Living situation:
- Alone
- Firstline:
- I Dont know
- About yourself:
- If u want to know ask
- Looking for:
I'm looking for The perfect amount of crazy . :D.....................................................
- Username:
- Calatis
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 40
- Location:
- Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
- Firstline:
- Married men
- About yourself:
- Nice to meet you
- Looking for:
Nice people, friendship,talk with mature womens and who knows
- Username:
- Marius1688
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 36
- Location:
- Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
- Firstline:
- ........
- About yourself:
- ...................
- Looking for:
- Username:
- Terente282
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 42
- Location:
- Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
- Living situation:
- Alone
- Firstline:
- Hope we see
- About yourself:
- Hi looking for you
- Looking for:
Looking for woman, ladies off all ager for some fun. +40749859021
- Username:
- Greck20
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 48
- Location:
- Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
- Living situation:
- Alone
- Firstline:
- !dfdffffffggh
- About yourself:
- dducuvuviv ghv h hb. bh
- Looking for:
Fhb. Hv bub hh juv .jhubvhhgv
Fghhgguh tgguuhvg
Thvgggghhb. bhv. Hh
- Username:
- Harji
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 45
- Location:
- Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
- Living situation:
- Alone
- Firstline:
- singh1779.hs@gmail.com
- About yourself:
- Salut Sunt Harji din india 19 stau in Italia. Am 4 Pizzerie Restorations și am o firma de import export de haine. Caut o relație serioasă ------------------------------------------------- Ciao sono Harji di India 19 anni vivo in Italia. Ho 4 Pizzerie Rist
- Looking for:
Salut Sunt Harji din india 19 stau in Italia. Am 4 Pizzerie Restorations și am o firma de import export de haine. Caut o relație serioasă ------------------------------------------------- Ciao sono Harji di India 19 anni vivo in Italia. Ho 4 Pizzerie Ristoranti anche ho una ditta import export. Cerco una storia seria. Voglio fare una famiglia ------------------------------------------------- Hello I am Harji from India but 19 years live in Italy. I have 4 Restaurants and have one company import export... I want find serious relationship to make family ...
- Username:
- nucred
- Gender:
- Man
- Age:
- 32
- Location:
- Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
- Firstline:
- am dubii
- About yourself:
- am dubii ca merge aplicatia
- Looking for:
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
- Username:
- GeorgeG
- Gender:
- Man
- Location:
- Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
- Firstline:
- Spun mai tarziu. Nu vreau sa scriu aici asa ca intreaba-ma. Multe de spus... Dar multe de stiut..
- Looking for:
Spun mai tarziu. Oare cat de mult trbuie sa scriu in ambele casute ca sa ma lase sa merg mai departe
- Username:
- sarah688
- Gender:
- Woman
- Location:
- Cluj, Romania
- Firstline:
- I would like to find a man, who will give me his love. Who knows and understands what it is to love a woman. Who will become a crutch to me, a stout heart, a lover. I’m not playing games and I don’t want anybody to play with me. I’m looking for a long-term serious relationship, for a man I will live with, make a family with. I need a strong person who will be able to protect me and sensitive enough to understand me. I am dreaming about man with great sense of humor as I am very positive. I need a man who will spend with me his best and worst hours, who will be my soul-mate and my second half. I think the age doesn’t matter in the question of love and much more important is and the most valuable is personality and health
- Looking for:
I'm ready to find my future man who will respect and love me and also care about our family. I hope it'll be the biggest love of my life. Earlier I thought only about my career, but I’ve understood that it’s not the main aim. I have a strong desire to create a family. To realize this dream I can only fall in love. I try to live each day staying true to myself. I'm very sociable and open so I'll be glad to answer any question you'll have for me.
- Username:
- empaty
- Gender:
- Man
- Location:
- Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
- Firstline:
- Fac fotomodel de modelare doamnă a vrut să facă modelarea doamnelor doliu caută lungimea corespunzătoare de frumusete
- Looking for:
Sunt un titular de agenţie, şi în special pentru şansa doamne fotomodel fotomodel foarte mare de a fi
- Username:
- steve
- Gender:
- Man
- Location:
- Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania
- Firstline:
- Amor m-a pus ca tinta de mult sagetii sale; Si-s ca zapada-n soare; ca ceara-n foc; si sunt Ca norul care fuge pe cer batut de vânt... Si în zadar, Madona, cer sprijin milei tale. Din ochii-ti lovitura porni ucigatoare, Ca nu mi-i leac nici timpul, nici solitarul loc; Si numai de la tine purced vânt, soare, foc, Cari m-au adus în asta nefericita stare. Obrazul tau mi-i soare; gândirile-s sageata; Dorinta - foc. Cu astfel de arme-Amor e gata Sa-mi ia vederea, sa ma aprinda si strapunga. Iar îngerescul cântec si dulcile-ti cuvinte Cu gingasul lor suflu, care m-au scos din minte, Sunt vântul fara mila ce viata mi-o alunga.
- Looking for:
Dar noptile acestea, frumoaso, cum de sunt,
Atât de diafane, din cer pâna-n pamânt?Padurile par alge înalte-n clatinari...
Noi ne plimbam alaturi pe fundul unei mari.Lucirile acestea de sus, vor fi fiind
Sau astre, sau meduze prin adâncimi plutind...De-aseara se zareste, cu cârma spre Apus,
O luntre aurie, deasupra noastra, sus...Asa ne urmareste de-aseara, pe-amândoi:
Sta drep deasupra noastra când ne oprim si noi!O, poate ca din luntrea ce ne tinteste-asa
Într-un târziu, o scara de raze s-o lasa,Si daca tu vroi-vei, ne vom sui. Apoi,
Cu luntrea aurie vom asfinti si noi.